Is the fitness industry a judgement free zone?
I think not.
Recently, I’ve seen quite a few things on social media that has got me thinking, is the fitness industry too judgemental?
In my opinion, the answer is yes.
Some fitness individuals behave like they know it all, because they have what is perceived as the ideal body and workout- but that’s not good enough. It’s some of these individuals that will tell a person that they are training for the wrong reasons and knock what that person is seeing as motivation.
Side note: if I have told you your training for the wrong reasons in the past (which I doubt I have) I do apologise.
For example, a female says she wants to get a bigger bum and smaller waist. Some fitness individuals will class her as a fitness ‘foney’ and say that she is training for the wrong reasons. Why are they the wrong reasons? Because they don’t meet your standards? I don’t think she is training for the reasons... I mean at least she is training.
Another example is where a celebrity announces that they have adopted a fitness related lifestyle. Some that follow that celebrity will see it and may even find it motivating enough to start doing the same.
Then you have the fitness critics who come along and tell them they’re jumping on the bandwagon. But if they’re jumping on the bandwagon SO WHAT? Is it not a good bandwagon to jump on? Some people might want to jump on the bandwagon to feel as though they are part of something and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.
It annoys me when people say they do not train for aesthetics (looks) and knock down people that do. A person, who has always been active and has the “ideal body”, is not in a position to rain on someone’s parade, who is training to improve their appearance. Of course they can say that they don’t train for aesthetics, if they have never really had to.
When I first started training, I didn’t like my appearance and I needed something to keep me occupied. I began training in the hopes of achieving my goals physically and realised that it was not that simple. I then understood the level of hard work I needed to put in practice before achieving my desired results and then adopted a different approach to my lifestyle.
Training to achieve a physical goal changed me mentally and put me in a better place. Imagine if I was told in the beginning that I was training for the wrong reasons and I was just ‘jumping on the bandwagon’, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. I train for both aesthetics and ability and that does not make me any less of a person.
I think as individuals (myself included) we need to motivate and encourage without judging and mocking, despite what peoples' goals are. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT and what motivates you might not motivate others. If you are trying to educate and inspire, you can’t judge or mock in the process because then your message lacks substance.
Anyway, that’s my rant over! This is just my opinion on the matter and if you don’t agree lets discuss or alternatively you can talk to FRANK.
P.s Fitness is not a competition
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