
Who says eating healthy has to be boring and bland!

Plantain Lasagne

Salmon Burger 

Baked Stuffed Plantain

Plantain Pancakes

 Plantain Pancakes with Plantain Honey and Blueberry Syrup

 Green Smoothie with Asparagus and Fish Cobbler 

Berry Yoghurt & Granola

Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie

Almond Berry Banana Yogurt Smoothie

Oat, Banana & Strawberry Smoothie
Protein Pancakes topped with blueberries, Strawberries, Nuts & Natural Yoghurt

Homemade Chilli burgers, Quinoa Salad & Avocado

Lamb Chops, Bakes Sweet Potato Fries & Quinoa Salad
Grilled Salmon & Salad

Chicken Breast & Quinoa Salad
Wholemeal Chicken Breast Wrap with Feta Cheese & Avacado Salad

Roast Chicken, Avocado Salad & Grilled Sweet Potato Fries

Grilled Chicken Wings, Mushroom Bulgar Wheat & Salad

Grilled Salmon, Sweet Potato Mash & Salad

Olive, Feta Cheese, Tomato, Cucumber & Avocado Salad

Grilled Chicken Breast, Cabbage, Broccoli & Carrots

Grilled Salmon, Steamed Rice Noodles & Grilled Vegetables 


  1. Hi I'm loving your blog and your determination...I hope to learn alot from you. I've got just the one question for now...where do you buy/how do you make Baked Sweet Potato Fries?? I'd really appreciate it if you would reply to this comment.

    God bless and keep up the hard work!

    1. Hi
      Thanks for reading my blog :-)

      I bought the sweet potato from Asda but you can get it from any grocery store. I peeled off the potato skin then cut the potato into the shape of fries. I then steamed the potato (you can also boil it) not till it was completely cooked but until it was soft. I then sprinkled a tiny bit of olive oil on it then put it in the oven to brown and harden.

      I hope this is useful.


  2. Hi Gina,

    Your blog is so useful and inspiring as I want to start working on my fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to ask in terms of seasoning food to be grilled like the fish or chicken what kind of seasoning and marinades are healthy enough to use? Also in terms of the veg do you buy it frozen and would it make a difference to being fresh?
    Hope you don't mind me asking.

    Laide x

    1. Hi Laide

      Thanks for checking my blog out. I use fish seasoning, lemon/lime and herbs and spices.

  3. what do you add to your rice noodles to give them extra flavour

  4. Hey I just came across your Instagram and had to take a lool at your blog. It is truly inspiring I must say. I started a fitness journey and then have up. Now I am suffering from lack of sleep and I probably have the energy levels of a 70 year old and I'm only 24!!! I'm definetly going to get back to it. It's a must. Keep up the good work miss!

  5. Amazing inspired

  6. Absolutely love your food ideas! will you be releasing a recipe book?

    1. Hi, I would love to release a recipe book. Its definitely on my to do list :-). Im glad you like my food ideas x
