About Me

Welcome to Just Geens Journey 

I'm a personal trainer who became inspired by fitness as a result of a "break up", which is where I got the phrase "traded in my heart for muscles" from. 
Whilst going through a break up I found fitness to be the best stress relief and cheapest form of therapy. I decided to trade in all my emotions in relation to my break up for gym membership and a long term relationship with spandex and sweat and so far so good, we're still going strong! The amazing thing about breakups is they change you. Some let the break up break them but I chose to build myself up and focus on being and becoming a better me. I still think love is amazing (I'm not bitter). The change im going through is a journey and I invite you to join me.
So now a lil more about me... As a female I have always had issues with my weight. I was a right fat child (weighed 11 stone at the age of 11) just imagine if I weighed my age now! As you can imagine over the years I have tried it all, from crash diets to no carbs to starving myself. However, I have found eating healthy and training properly to be the most effective way in achieving lasting results. I have managed to control my body and now my body does not control me. 

I know a lot of females have insecurities with their appearance and can relate, so join me on my fitness journey as I share with you my training sessions, food diary and tips in the hopes of being able to inspire you to also control your body and not let your body control you.


1 comment:

  1. You look amazing! Well done & keep up the good work...I know how hard it can be!
