Tuesday 29 January 2013

Food For Thought

This post is somewhat controversial because we all know or should know that heels are not really good for us.

Not only do they hurt, but they can cause damage to your knees and can increase the chances of arthritis.

HOWEVER lets be honest...even though its bad for us, females are not going to stop wearing 5inches anytime soon the same way males won’t stop cheating (I joke I Joke , I kid I Kid lol)

Anywhoooo, I decided to do my research and it wasn't all bad. 

I found these to be the healthy benefits to wearing heels:

Good Body Posture

Apparently, by wearing heels you walk tall with your shoulders back and your head up. This is supposed to help you reduce any neck and back pain cause by slouching. Good body posture can also boost your confidence- this I know a lot of females including myself can relate to because I know when I wear my 5inches I feel like I can conquer the world.

Also, having good posture is meant to give you optimal muscle and organ function and tone your core muscles-and we all know everyone wants a toned core. 

Toned legs

They say that by wearing heels you’re activating the muscles in your legs and pelvic area which not only strengthens but also tones your legs. Your calf muscles in particular are deeply engaged which probably explains why after a night out your legs are feeling like you’ve done loads of calf raises.

So there it is ladies…just a little food for thought.


Sunday 27 January 2013

Just Geen's Kitchen

Right... so I know it's extremely hard to stay fit and maintain a 'healthy' food regime. Quite frankly it can become extremely boring... but it doesn't always have to be. Below are a few things I eat on a day to day basis which I'm going to share with you.

Remember these are only examples and i'm not a nutritionist so please don't shoot if you get side effects such as a double chin, back tyres or a kangaroo pouch!

You don't have to eat all of these foods you can even mix and match!


Porridge (with banana)

Smoked Salmon & Egg Whites Wheat Bagel

Bran Flakes (with banana)
Oat & Protein Pancakes (with Banana & Strawberries)
Fruit Salad & Natural Yoghurt
Cornmeal Porridge
Wholemeal Toast, Scrambled Eggs & Grilled Mushrooms

Oat Protein Pancakes topped with Banana's, Strawberries, Nuts & Natural Yoghurt


Chicken/fish , Sweet Potato & Avocado Salad
Chicken/fish, Boiled Plantain & Salad
Chicken Breast Wrap
Chicken Caesar Salad
Tuna & Sweet Corn Brown Pasta
Homemade Chicken & Vegetable Soup
Prawn & Vegetable Cous Cous
Mixed Salad 

Avocado, Olive & Feta Cheese Salad  

Chicken Breast Wrap


Lamb Chops, Plantain (boiled) & Salad
Salmon, Grilled Vegetables & Rice Noodles
Beef Lasagne (with brown sheets) & Avocado Salad
Roast Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato Fries & Salad
Grilled Chicken Breast & Mixed Veg
Chicken/ Fish, Sweet Potato Mash & Salad
Chicken, Bulgar Wheat & Salad
Prawn Coconut Curry, Sweet Potato & Salad

Prawn Coconut Curry, Sweet Potato & Salad 
Chicken, Bulgar Wheat & Salad

Fish, Sweet Potato Mash & Salad

Grilled Chicken Breast & Mixed Veg

I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day,  home made smoothies, green tea & juices (not from concentrate).

I eat every 3 hours (the fat greedy Gina is still in me) and I get hungry quite often so I snack a lot. My snacks are just different kinds of fruits or green tea. My food portions are not that big and I prefer to eat smaller portions more regularly.

Remember this is just an example of my diet so I'm not saying eat every 3 hours or to eat what I eat because that might not work for you. Its about trial and error and finding out what works for you. Some people could eat every 3 hours and become a big engine which isn't what were trying to achieve. I eat every 3 hours and my workout regime is pretty intense so it works in my favour.

But for more information on nutrition and consultations email: bookings.bigboatstrainingroom@hotmail.co.uk  and follow his Instagram @bigboatstrainingroom- he taught me everything I know.

Also, check out #famfoods on Instagram for healthy meal ideas.


Sunday 20 January 2013

Weather Worries

So many people use the weather as an excuse not to work out, but as the weather’s always rubbish in England, using the weather as an excuse means you probably won't ever work out.

So today it's snowing and it's that cold that I'm even lacking the motivation to go to the gym (yes I'm actually not going to the gym today and no the world isn't going to end lol). However, that does not mean I can't do a little home workout. 

Why not try today’s ab workout which consisted of: 

Russian twist- Sit on the floor with your knees bent like a "sit-up" position. Your upper body should be straight off the ground at a 45 degree angle. In a twisting motion, swing your arms from side to side touching the floor on each side. To make it harder lift your feet off the floor using your core for balance.

Side crunch- Lay on the side of your body, placing your hands behind your head so your fingertips just touch each other as they rest behind your head. Bring your torso up and your side will bend as your shoulder lifts into the crunch. To make this harder lift your leg up as you lift your torso up. Repeat on other side.

Leg raises-Lie on the floor on your back and place your hands to the side, behind your ears or under your lower back for support. Make sure your back stays flat on floor and yours abs are tight. Keep your legs close together and your knees straight. Slowly raise your legs until they are pointed straight up in the air then slowly lower them back to the starting position.
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Toe reach- Lie on the floor on your back and lift your legs up so they are pointing to the ceiling. Reach as far as you can with your hands towards your toes.
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Plank- Rest your body on your forearms and toes and hold this position. Keep your body in a straight line with no sagging and make sure your bum is not in the air. To make it harder lift one leg 5-8 inches off the floor.

Try and complete as many reps as you can in 30 seconds for the side crunch and russian twist and 60 seconds for the leg raises plank and toe reach. All 5 exercises make up 1 set so aim to do between 4-6 sets.

Good luck


Sunday 13 January 2013

Gym Is My Drug

So today was my rest day but I found myself in the gym doing stretches. I could have stretched at home, but hey who was I kidding!
It was either go to the gym and stretch, or stay at home and get tempted by the smell of fresh Jollof Rice, Fried Plantain and Chofi (damn being Ghanaian and healthy is hard) *sigh* . But I closed my nose and ran to the gym in record time, Usain Bolt would have been proud of me . I knew I would not have stretched at home plus just being in the gym for me is my ecstasy- I'm such an addict its unreal. 
During Uni times I never used to understand why some of my friends used to say they could only study at home, but now I'm exactly the same with fitness. 
Stretches are just as important as your workouts. Stretching loosens up your muscles, prevents muscle fatigue, maintains flexibility and mobility and prevents you walking up and down the stairs like your broken. 
Please see example below: 
So guys, always remember to stretch otherwise you'll end up walking like my friend who will remain anonymous.  

Thursday 10 January 2013

Recycled Resolutions

Wow! A New Year already and I guess it’s that time where we all make resolutions that we hope to keep right? I made a few this year and here they are:
    • Stop smoking – Considering I don’t smoke and have never been a smoker it was pretty easy to do! I can happily check that off my list!
    • Start my blog – As you can tell I’ve started
    • Tone up – Well this is the journey I am still on…
Fitness, exercise, eating healthy, sweating I mean is there anything here that actually sounds appealing?
Exercise, sweat and most importantly healthy eating works! Eating healthily does not have to be boring or bland and does not only consist of ‘rabbit food’ (check out my nutrition page for some of my tasty recipes and pictures).

My fitness journey didn't start as a resolution but as a change in lifestyle with the intention of it lasting a lifetime. I say this because fitness isn't a destination but rather a journey. It’s much harder to maintain your achievement once you've reached your goal. This ongoing motion is why it's a journey and not a destination.

I can be your testimony people because when I was younger I was always the ‘fat kid’. I was a dumpling! Not soft and tasty but fat, round and stumpy!! I was a myth, but now I can happily say those days are behind me *phew*

 All jokes aside, the annoying thing about New Year’s resolutions is that they get recycled from previous years (we all do it!). But let’s make this year different and say  NO to #RecycledResolutions.

Set yourself realistic goals that way you’re more likely to stick to it.

Don’t be the 'guest appearance gymer' or the person that recycles this year’s resolution next year. 

Join my journey and let’s see how it goes! If it works then we don’t have to recycle this resolution, if it doesn’t work then hey.. We’ll keep trying until it does!


Wednesday 9 January 2013

Roast Chicken, Avocado Salad & Grilled Sweet Potato Fries

I try to keep my post workout meals as healthy as possible. Today after a workout session I had Roast Chicken for protein, Avocado Salad for anitoxidents and healthy fatty acids & Grilled Sweet Potato Fries for good carbohydrates. 
Who says eating healthy has to be boring and bland!


Welcome to Just Geens Journey

I'm not a personal trainer, fitness instructor or gym expert, but just a female who became inspired by fitness as a result of a "break up", which is where I got the phrase "traded in my heart for muscles" from. 

Whilst going through a break up I found fitness to be the best stress relief and cheapest form of therapy. I decided to trade in all my emotions in relation to my break up for gym membership and a long-term relationship with spandex and sweat and so far so good, we're still going strong! The amazing thing about breakups is they change you. Some let the break up break them but I chose to build myself up and focus on being and becoming a better me. I still think love is amazing (im not bitter). The change im going through is a journey and I invite you to join me.

So now a lil more about me... As a female I have always had issues with my weight. I was a right fat child (weighed 11 stone at the age of 11) just imagine if i weighed my age now! As you can imagine over the years I have tried it all, from crash diets to no carbs to starving myself. However, I have found eating healthy and training properly to be the most effective way in achieving lasting results. I have managed to control my body and now my body does not control me. 

I know a lot of females have insecurities with their appearance and can relate, so join me on my fitness journey as I share with you my training sessions, food diary and tips in the hopes of being able to inspire you to also control your body and not let your body control you.